The Powers That Be
One of the first actions a player will likely want to do is turn on the main power generators. There are 4 main power cores, each contributing to the overall ship power. However, at the start of the game, these will all be off.
Each core has 4 possible states: offline, online, damaged or destroyed. The current state will determine what components are active on the prefab. When offline, there is no lights, sparks or sound. Online has a glowing blue light. Damaged has sparks coming out of it and destroyed will look...destroyed.
To create the power core prefab, I grabbed a free model asset off the Unity Asset Store. I added a panel and a canvas object so that I could put UI text into the world space. The lower text changes to display the current status.
The code to interact with the cores (repairing and powering-up) sits in the player script, but the current state is tracked in each power core's script. Here is the C# code so far in case it's interesting to anyone:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class PowerCoreController : MonoBehaviour {
public int coreState; //0 is off, 1 is on, 2 is damaged, 3 is destroyed
public Light glowLight;
public bool lightOn; //false means light is off, true it's on
public float minGlow;
public float maxGlow;
public float curGlow;
public bool rampUp;
public ParticleSystem sparks;
public Text coreStatus;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
minGlow = 5f;
maxGlow = 10f;
curGlow = 5f;
lightOn = false;
void FixedUpdate ()
//This just makes the light glow
if ((lightOn) && (rampUp))
curGlow += Time.deltaTime + 0.1f;
glowLight.intensity = curGlow;
if(curGlow > maxGlow)
rampUp = false;
if ((lightOn) && (!rampUp))
curGlow -= Time.deltaTime + 0.1f;
glowLight.intensity = curGlow;
if (curGlow < minGlow)
rampUp = true;
public void updateCore()
switch (coreState)
case 0: //core is off
glowLight.intensity = 0;
coreStatus.text = "Status:\nOffline";
case 1: //core is on
curGlow = 5f;
lightOn = true;
rampUp = true;
coreStatus.text = "Status:\nOnline";
case 2: //core is damaged
glowLight.intensity = 0;
coreStatus.text = "Status:\nDamaged";
case 3: //core is destroyed (unrepairable)
glowLight.intensity = 0;
coreStatus.text = "Status:\nDestroyed";
Each core has 4 possible states: offline, online, damaged or destroyed. The current state will determine what components are active on the prefab. When offline, there is no lights, sparks or sound. Online has a glowing blue light. Damaged has sparks coming out of it and destroyed will look...destroyed.
3 of the main power cores |
The code to interact with the cores (repairing and powering-up) sits in the player script, but the current state is tracked in each power core's script. Here is the C# code so far in case it's interesting to anyone:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class PowerCoreController : MonoBehaviour {
public int coreState; //0 is off, 1 is on, 2 is damaged, 3 is destroyed
public Light glowLight;
public bool lightOn; //false means light is off, true it's on
public float minGlow;
public float maxGlow;
public float curGlow;
public bool rampUp;
public ParticleSystem sparks;
public Text coreStatus;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
minGlow = 5f;
maxGlow = 10f;
curGlow = 5f;
lightOn = false;
void FixedUpdate ()
//This just makes the light glow
if ((lightOn) && (rampUp))
curGlow += Time.deltaTime + 0.1f;
glowLight.intensity = curGlow;
if(curGlow > maxGlow)
rampUp = false;
if ((lightOn) && (!rampUp))
curGlow -= Time.deltaTime + 0.1f;
glowLight.intensity = curGlow;
if (curGlow < minGlow)
rampUp = true;
public void updateCore()
switch (coreState)
case 0: //core is off
glowLight.intensity = 0;
coreStatus.text = "Status:\nOffline";
case 1: //core is on
curGlow = 5f;
lightOn = true;
rampUp = true;
coreStatus.text = "Status:\nOnline";
case 2: //core is damaged
glowLight.intensity = 0;
coreStatus.text = "Status:\nDamaged";
case 3: //core is destroyed (unrepairable)
glowLight.intensity = 0;
coreStatus.text = "Status:\nDestroyed";
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